Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Ocarina Is Awesome!!

Hey guys Canny here ! This is my first BLOGG as you all may know .So down to buisness we are going to be talking about the coolest wind instrument in the world ! THE OCARINA OF COURSE !So I started playing the ocarina may 26 ,2013 ;and from there to now I learned so much its not even funny (sorry for writing errors ).An example is like how to play the high notes ,how to choose your first ocarina ,what are the best ways to preform,and you cant be a good teacher without reviewing the ocas for your loyal followers  ,even how to play songs provided tab and sheet ! The more questions you guys ask the better and the more we will all like it . So to start what ocarinas do you guys have ? How many holes and is it transverse pendant etc! I will be with you guys all the way even tell you the basics and evensome extras ! Hope you like it and also leave any comments about it so i can get better also FOLLOW ME Please  :)

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